The economic decline that occurred a few years ago had an effect on almost every aspect of life. One place in which the effects of the downturn were noticed was divorce. When the economy was at its low point, the number of divorces was low. In 2009, the divorce rate was at a 40-year low. Now that the economy is improving, the number of divorces is going up again.
According to an economics professor, the divorce rate more than doubled between 1940 and 1981. It then fell by a third by 2009. U.S. Census Bureau data shows that the divorce rate was about 2.4 million in 2012, which was the third year the rate has risen.
For one couple in Florida, the bad economy meant they had to continue their marriage and their joint business venture despite the desire to sever the relationship. The couple has been married for 35 years, but she says that she needed him and he needed her help with the business. Since the housing market is recovering, the couple has finally decided to move forward with their divorce. She is looking for a job. She says she “couldn’t be happier.”
If you are in an unhappy marriage and heading toward a divorce, you might have questions about how the process will work. From property division to spousal support, getting answers to your questions prior to proceeding with the divorce is vital to ensure that you get a fair settlement. Seeking the advice of a Florida divorce attorney might help you to get the answers you need before, during and after your divorce.
Source: SFGate, “Worsening Divorce Rate Points to Improving U.S. Growth: Economy” Steve Matthews, Feb. 18, 2014