Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

Child custody exchange center might be opening in Florida

On Behalf of | Jun 19, 2014 | Child Custody

For some parents who aren’t in a relationship any longer, finding somewhere suitable to give the children to the other parent can be a challenge. In Florida’s Flagler County, parents who are unable to go to Daytona face a difficult situation right now. Those parents who have to have use a custody and visitation center for the hand off of a child have to go to the Kim C. Hammond Justice Center in front of the flagpole. That, however, might be changing soon if a plan is approved by county officials.

In 2011, Flagler County got a $400,000 grant from the supervised visit and safe exchange program of the Federal Office of Violence Against Women for Safe Haven. It is likely that the grant will be used to renovate a space formerly used by the Guardian Ad Litem program to house a visitation and exchange center. One official noted that the space was ideal because it has the necessary features, such as two entrances, that are needed for the program’s center.

The program administrator for the center would be the Children’s Home Society of Florida. The society operates two other centers in the state. The County Commission has to approve the deal before the center will become a sure thing.

For parents who need to use these exchange and visitation centers, having one that is more convenient will likely be welcomed. It is vital for anyone who is going through child custody issues to learn about these centers and what benefits they can provide for families who need them.

Source: The Daytona Beach News-Journal, “Flagler closer to having family custody exchange center” Julie Murphy, Jun. 15, 2014
