There are various things that make life in the military challenging. One of those things is having to deal with an ex and children. While child custody is important, working through the logistics of it all can be difficult when you are in the military. There are some ways that you and your ex can work to get along to make life a lot easier for your child. Our Florida readers might like to learn about some tips.
How can we keep our children happy?
If you focus on your children, you can show them that they are the top priority. This means ensuring their needs are met instead of arguing with an ex. You can keep the battles over child support and other issues away from the children. You can be civil toward your ex when you are picking up and dropping up your child.
How can we deal with differences in parenting styles?
Learn to accept the differences. There will be times when you might have to communicate with your ex to come up with a solution that won’t confuse your child. For issues that don’t affect your child’s well being, you can simply agree that won’t you agree on those matters.
How can we communicate?
Showing your ex respect is the first step toward establishing open lines of communication. This might mean that you have to hold your tongue. It is important that you know what your limits are so you can ensure that those limits aren’t pushed. By the same token, try not to push your ex’s limits.
Being in the military means having to deal with odd schedules and other issues. Working with your ex might help you to come up with parenting schedules that work for you and enable you to establish a good relationship with your child.
Source: Military OneSource, “Getting Along With Your Ex” Dec. 29, 2014