Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

Know your rights regarding Florida spousal support payments

On Behalf of | Jul 2, 2015 | Alimony

Spousal support payments are sometimes included in a divorce settlement. Last week, we discussed what information you should keep regarding your alimony payments. Making sure that you keep vital information is necessary because of how certain issues, such as tax implications, can affect you.

We know that the thought of having to keep ties to your ex because of alimony might not be what you want to do. Still, if alimony is something that is being considered, it is vital that you understand your rights.

If you are the person who will pay alimony, you should understand how you will have to make payments. You should also work to understand your options for fighting against having to pay alimony.

If you are seeking alimony payments, you should make sure that you understand the grounds for seeking those payments. You should make sure that you understand how an alimony award might affect you.

No matter which side of the alimony battle you are on, we can help you to explore the options you have. Even if alimony has been awarded, we can help you to seek modifications to the alimony if there are certain significant changes that have occurred.

When alimony is awarded, it is awarded by type. Some cases might include a lump-sum payment while others might include bridge-the-gap alimony. Rehabilitative alimony and permanent alimony are also possible. In each case, the court looks at certain factors to determine which type of alimony is most appropriate. We can help you to learn about those factors so that you have a good insight into how your case will be decided.
