A parenting plan is the backbone of your relationship with your ex when you have divorced. Your children are going to look toward both parents for stability and love as they learn to adjust to the new way of life. It is imperative that the kids can count on both parents to have enough parenting time to make this happen.
One thing that you have to remember when you are in this situation is that you and your ex have to be able to put aside your differences so that you can truly work together for the children. Being able to present a united front before them. This lets the kids know that they can’t try to play one parent against each other.
Another factor to consider when you are making parenting plans is that the child’s needs can change over time. The custody agreement that you use now might not work in the future, but you can’t base the decisions now on what the child may need then. Instead, set it for now and be prepared to deal with creating a modified agreement, if necessary, in the future.
We realize that not everything that must be included is going to be easy for you and your ex to agree on. This is when it helps to be willing to negotiate. When you and your ex can work together at this stage, it can set the standard for the remainder of the parenting relationship. One thing to remember is that respect must always be present when dealing with each other. In fact, this can be one point in the parenting plan.