Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

3 considerations for summer visits with the children

On Behalf of | May 15, 2020 | Child Custody

Summertime is usually a fun time for families because the weather is conducive to fun activities. If you’re going to have your kids for the summer, you need to start thinking about the ins and outs of how that is going to work. There are several things that you might have to consider, so getting started now might be beneficial.

First, you need to think about the practical matters. Unless you can take off all summer, you may need to arrange childcare for the kids. Of course, this might not be the case if they are old enough to stay home alone. You may still need to set a contingency plan in case something happens and they need an adult for something while you’re at work.

Second, look at the schedule. Summers are a time for vacations. Making these plans now and finding out if your ex has anything planned is beneficial. Parenting plans sometimes allow vacations to trump the regular custody schedule, so be sure to consider this if there is any overlap.

Third, think about the finances. Having the children at your home is going to result in an increase in your regular bills. Preparing for this ahead of time can help to reduce your stress. Be sure you think about normal bills like food, but also think about the cost of summer activities that your child will participate in.

Finally, double check the parenting plan to ensure that your plans are all within compliance. You don’t need to have to worry about any legal issues while you’re trying to enjoy quality time with the kids for the summer.
