Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

Can a deferred sale help you in a divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2024 | Property Division

Divorce can be a highly stressful experience, especially when dividing assets. You’ve worked hard to build a life together, and now you’re facing the difficult task of separating your finances. What if you’re not ready to leave your marital home yet?

A deferred sale might be the solution you’re looking for. In this blog, we’ll explore how it can help during the process.

Deferred sale: What couples need to know

A deferred sale is a temporary delay in selling the marital home, usually as part of a divorce settlement, allowing one spouse to stay in the home for the time being. It also involves developing agreements on other aspects of the property, such as taxes, mortgage, insurance and other extraneous costs.

One significant benefit of a deferred sale is that it can help divide assets fairly. If you choose to sell it later, you can wait for the right moment to sell. This can be particularly helpful if the current market isn’t favorable, and waiting could result in a higher sale price.

It can also provide stability for the children involved. Allowing the custodial parent to live in the family home can provide a sense of security and continuity for your child during a difficult time. This step can be crucial for children who may already be struggling with the emotional impact of the divorce.

Discover if a deferred sale is right for you

Remember, divorce is a journey, not a destination. With the proper guidance and support, you can determine if this step is right for you. If you’re considering a deferred sale as part of your divorce strategy, consult an experienced family law attorney who can help you make the most of this option.
