Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

Child support orders aren’t only suggestions

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2016 | Child Support

Providing for a child is an expensive endeavor. If you and the child’s other parent aren’t in a relationship any longer, you might find that making ends meet is tight. That is where child support payments come into the picture. When you have an order for child support, you should be able to count on that money to help you provide for your child. Sadly, some parents don’t pay the child support that the court ordered. In that case, we can help you to fight for the financial support that you need for your child.

There are several reasons why a parent might not be paying child support. The parent might quit a job when his or her checks are being garnished for child support. They might decide that the amount of support is too great. In any case that involves a person not paying child support, it is possible for the parent who is supposed to receive support to take legal action to get that support.

There is another aspect to child support cases that must be considered. In some cases, the paying parent might get a raise. In that case, the recipient parent might be due more money per month. When that happens, petitioning the court for a modified child support order might be necessary. If you are considering petitioning the court for a modification, you must ensure that your case meets the requirements.

We know that child support issues can be a very touchy subject. We will help you to fight for the child support you deserve so that you can give your child the things he or she needs.
