Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

Florida Marriage Information

Last updated on January 5, 2024

There are two sides to marriage. One side is the romantic notion of two people making life commitments related to love and family. Marriage is also a voluntary, private contract between two adults. So while it is a personal and emotional commitment, it is also a relationship that changes the legal status of both parties. If you are considering getting married or want to know the ramifications of ending your existing marriage, our experienced lawyer can provide you with Florida marriage information.

At the Law Offices of Mark Abzug, P.A., we offer family law services to clients who are married, divorced and anywhere in between. Attorney Mark Abzug has more than 20 years of legal experience. He will provide you with compassionate advice and effective representation during your case, tailoring any strategies or ideas to your unique situation.

We represent clients in family law cases, including those related to divorce and issues such as child custody and support. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 954-840-8883 or contact us online.

A Coral Springs Attorney Providing the Answers You Need About Marriage

The legal rights and obligations associated with marriage have evolved with our society and today are the same for both spouses. Each state has its own rules about marriage. Some of the important requirements for marriage in Florida include:

  • Who can marry: Florida prohibits marriage between brothers and sisters as well as parent and child. Same-sex marriage is also not recognized here, but several counties, including Broward, recognize domestic partnerships. Attorney Abzug can provide you with more information on these contract-based arrangements at your consultation.
  • Age requirements: Florida requires couples to be 18 years old or have parental consent in order to marry.
  • Residency requirements: Unlike other states, Florida does not have a residency requirement. Furthermore, a one-month waiting period that is usually required for residents does not apply to applicants from out of state.
  • Previous marriages: If you have been previously married, the date of your divorce or date of your spouse’s death must be supplied. If the divorce or spouse’s death occurred within the past 30 days, a certified copy of the divorce decree or death certificate is required.

There are numerous legal benefits to marriage. There are both federal and state laws available only to married people. Other benefits include Social Security benefits, inheritance rights, property rights, the ability to sue third parties for the wrongful death of a spouse or loss of consortium, and the right to make medical decisions on a spouse’s behalf.

Common Law Marriage

Florida does not allow common law marriages to come into being in the state, but does recognize such marriages that were confirmed in other states. Attorney Abzug can answer your specific questions about common law marriage at your free initial consultation.

National Laws Regarding Premarital and Cohabitation Agreements

Couples who are considering marriage or living together may benefit from talking to a family law attorney about the advantages of a premarital agreement (also called prenuptial agreement or antenuptial agreement) or a cohabitation agreement. Although not very romantic, premarital agreements are a useful tool for defining the legal relationships between two people, particularly as they relate to property. Generally, the intent of the agreement is to create a framework for handling money and property issues during the marriage or relationship and to create a roadmap for property division should the relationship eventually terminate.

Florida has its own laws about what can be included in a premarital agreement. Most states will not uphold agreements about child support and will not uphold agreements that were created fraudulently or unfairly. Our state has adopted the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. The Act dictates how premarital agreements should address property ownership, control and management during the marriage and how property should be divided upon separation, divorce or death.

Providing Advice to Couples and Individuals Throughout Broward County

Before you marry or move in with your partner, consult family law attorney Mark Abzug. He will help you identify any future issues that you can resolve now in order to make your marriage stronger in the future. Call our law firm at 954-840-8883 or contact us online for more information. We offer free initial consultations and flexible hours.