Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

Coral Springs, FL Mediation Lawyer

Parkland, FL Mediation and Dispute Resolution Attorneys

At the Law Offices of Mark Abzug, P.A. in Coral Springs, Florida, our lawyers find mediation to be the most rewarding aspect of our legal practice. Disputes within a family that involve divorce, custody, or child and spousal support can be resolved in a cooperative setting, as opposed to a contentious fight. There is a better way to settle differences than a costly courtroom battle. You can control the decisions that affect your family, your finances, your business and your life through mediation.

All mediators affiliated with Coral Springs Mediation have completed a 48 hour training course approved by Florida’s Supreme Court. All mediators are Supreme Court Certified and have received special training to assist parties in resolving family disputes. At Coral Springs Mediation we are dedicated in assisting you in fixing the course of your future by exploring all settlement options. We are sensitive to emotional issues, especially those involving children and we will try our best in assisting you to find at a “win-win” solution to all of your legal disputes. We realize that you are going through an extremely difficult time in your life and our goal is to help you move ahead with your life.

What Is Family Mediation?

Family mediation is a process wherein an impartial third person called a mediator assists parties toward reaching an agreement between them that is mutually acceptable. Although the mediator has no authority to make decisions the mediator may present options and provide information that will assist the parties in their decision- making. Meditation is for people who want to settle family disputes without going to court and without destroying whatever is left of their fragile relationships.

Issues mediated may include custody, visitation and child support; alimony or spousal support; division of assets and liabilities; health insurance; life insurance; and the tax impacts of various alternative decisions.

Goals of Mediation

  • To help the parties reach their own acceptable agreement by fully exploring all choices.
  • To avoid the need for a court-imposed decision.
  • To assist the parties in understanding the terms and future impact of their agreement.
  • To prepare the parties to anticipate, work through and resolve disagreements that might arise.
  • To reduce anxiety and the negative effects of going to court.

How Does Mediation Work?

The mediator helps people examine their situation in terms of their needs and interests. Relevant information is gathered which may include budgets, business records, tax returns, property valuations, and the needs of each child.

Settlement options are development and discussed to be sure they meet everyone’s goals fairly. Decisions are made by the parties, which allows each of them to realize positive results. The mediator holds joint meetings with all parties and private meetings with each party. Discussions held are confidential and cannot be disclosed in any future legal proceedings. Mediation is concluded only when all parties have reached an agreement or it appears that an impasse has been reached. A mediated settlement agreement is binding in court.

What Are Some of The Benefits Of Mediation?

While the primary goal of mediation is to reach an agreement, mediation also:

  • Promotes communication and cooperation.
  • Benefits your children by reducing conflict.
  • Allows you to control the decisions that affect your life is usually less costly than litigation.
  • Is confidential, thus avoiding public disclosure of personal problems.
  • Can be completed in less time than litigation.
  • Allows you to more quickly move ahead with your life.
  • Allows the parties to make decisions together instead of a judge.
  • Provides you with the opportunity for a resolution which is less expensive and time consuming than a court trial.

Controlling the Outcome

With a mediator assisting the parties in reach agreement as opposed to a judge pronouncing a final decision, you have a great deal of control in determining the outcome of your dispute. The mediator has no authority in making decisions and is only there to provide key information to facilitate the decision-making. Mark Abzug, Esq. has extensive experience in this area as a Certified Family Mediator for the Florida Supreme Court.

Maintaining Positive Family Relationships

Divorce and the related support, custody, and visitation issues can severely damage relationships within your family, particularly your children. Mediation provides an opportunity to focus on the issues outside of the courtroom and work together in the best interests of your children. By avoiding the courtroom, spouses can air grievances and place all matters and possible outcomes on the table. Following the final divorce decree, positive relationships can continue and both spouses can move on with their lives and co-exist in raising their children.

Saving Time and Money

While we are aggressive and effective family law litigators at the Law Offices of Mark Abzug, P.A., we recognize the cost of a legal battle. Taking a divorce to trial not only establishes a more contentious environment, but it also significantly increases the amount on your final legal bill. In addition, litigation is a time-consuming process. Litigation for a divorce, custody, or support matter is a legitimate option and we will pursue that option if that will provide us the best outcome. However, with most judges recommending mediation, it may be in your best interest to resolve the issues with a mediator as opposed to a judge.

Contact a Broward County, FL Mediation Attorney

For more information on our mediation services, visit Coral Springs Mediation. If you would like to schedule mediation, or have any questions about the mediation process, please contact us today.