Child Custody

2 little-known facts about Florida divorces involving children

Parents always want to protect their kids from painful events. Unfortunately, few things are as devastating to children as the end of their parents’ marriage. You and your co-parent have a say in divorce matters involving your minor children, especially when creating...

What you should know before relocating with your child

Before you load your bags in the trunk and fill your gas tank for relocation, you have to know the following information to avoid any illegalities or consequences that would affect the current custody order. Relocation by agreement or by court approval To legally move...

How to keep a neutral relationship with a co-parent

Co-parenting after divorce is one of the best things parents can do for their children. Parents can work with their children’s other parents to establish responsibilities, obligations and daily schedules so each parent can still be a part of their children’s lives....

When are recordings admissible as child custody case evidence?

The ubiquitous influence of electronic communication tools seems to make it easy to hold anyone accountable for their misbehaviors, like a scorned ex caught on camera making threatening remarks due to the tensions of divorce. There are countless ways a wrongly...

What matters should a parenting plan address?

Some divorce cases are more complex. They could have unique factors affecting how the process goes along. However, some parts of the divorce are standard, especially for cases involving children. Divorcing couples must discuss and agree on matters concerning their...

Who decides where children go to school after divorce?

Deciding which school your children go to is usually a straightforward matter. You and your spouse might select one within your area, although you might also consider other factors, like your finances and what programs the school specializes in. Things usually become...

Typical time-sharing schedules in Florida parenting plans

Your Florida divorce has multiple moving variables, and unfortunately, your child’s overwhelmed in the chaotic middle. Devising an organized parenting plan with a time-sharing schedule while regularly coordinating with your ex-partner could establish a semblance of...

Can a child refuse visitation?

Divorce can be a very confusing and stressful time for children. Many children have trouble adjusting to visitation schedules and may lash out by refusing to see one parent. This presents several issues for the custodial parent, whose responsibility it is to honor the...

Is time-sharing possible with incarcerated parents?

In divorce cases, Florida courts give importance to maintaining each parent’s relationship with the child. If the option is available, courts would have both parents share parental responsibility and practice time-sharing, as long as it is in the child’s best...

Social media can impact your child custody case

When you and your ex cannot agree on child support and child custody, the court might have to intervene. The court investigates several factors before deciding who will get custody of the child, who will pay for child support and what the child support order amount...

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