Child Support

Child support is critical for the children

Parents who aren't in a relationship with their child's mother or father might have to pay child support. It is easy to think of this money as going to the other parent; however, it is actually going to the child. Since children are minors, it is impossible to pay the...

Child support and custody can work together for the child’s good

Every aspect of parenting is hard enough under the best of circumstances. When you add in child custody matters, you might find that they are even more troublesome. We understand that you just want to find the solutions to the matters that are proving to be more...

Child support is often comingled with other household funds

Child support payments are meant to cover the expenses related to raising a child. This doesn't mean that the money is always going to go to the child. In face, there is often not a firm accounting of where child support goes since one parent receives the money from...

Your child’s security might depend on child support payments

Child support payments are an important consideration when parents who have a shared child aren't in a relationship with each other any longer. These payments are made from one parent to the other; however, they are meant to support the children. The recipient parent...

Serious consequences come with a refusal to pay child support

Paying child support that is ordered by the court isn't optional. If you are told to pay up, you must do this according to the order. If you don't, you will likely face some stiff penalties. Child support enforcement efforts are made in the best interests in the child...

Most parents don’t spend child support frivolously

A lot of questions come up when you are thinking about child support. One question that people paying the support usually ask is where the money is going. Some people falsely think that custodial parents are frivolous with child support money. This is usually very far...

Understand the child support order in your case

The child support order is something that you might not review very often, but it is very important that you understand what it says. There are many different things that you might find in this order. When most people think about child support, they think only about...

Make plans now for shared expenses related to the children

Making sure that you and your ex understand the way that you are going to handle expenses related to the children can help you to avoid stressful situations. The sooner this agreement is made, the better.One thing that you should do right away is to speak to your ex...

Thinking about whether child support is going to the child or not

We recently discussed the fact that some parents are concerned about how child support payments are being used. If you recall, these payments can be used for anything that the child needs. This is true even if it is something like paying the mortgage that benefits...

Concerns regarding how a parent uses child support payments

A parent who pays child support usually wants to be sure that the money he or she is paying is actually going to the child's needs. This is something that is often difficult because the parent who receives the child support usually isn't required to provide proof that...

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