
Can remarrying impact child support?

After recovering from a divorce, you may want to give love another chance. Your next marriage does not directly impact the obligation of either parent to continue to provide the same child support payments. Although, in Florida, the court considers some factors that...

Can I be liable for my former spouse’s debt after the divorce?

The divorce process in Florida allows equitable division of marital assets and liabilities, including debt. Florida law requires clear identification of what belongs to you, including properties and financial obligations. However, a debt collector might still knock on...

What does equitable distribution mean in a Florida divorce?

Property division is one of the most complicated aspects of a Florida divorce. You and your spouse have most likely accumulated a great deal of property over the course of your marriage, and the thought of having to split it all can cause you to feel overwhelmed. You...

Are you headed for a “contested” high-asset divorce?

Although thousands of divorce cases are filed in Florida each year, each case is different. Yes, there are common legal issues in most divorce cases, like child custody and support, alimony and property and debt division, but when you are facing a divorce, you want to...

Preparing for your high-asset divorce

There are many reasons why couples choose to stay married even though they know that emotionally the marriage is over. One of the biggest reasons is finances. Over the course of your marriage, you and your spouse might have accumulated a great deal of assets. The idea...

When are forensic accountants needed?

For those thinking about divorce, a huge concern is fairness in the asset split. After all, you both have spent a lifetime building your wealth, and both soon-to-be ex-spouses want their fair share. However, two people can have very different ideas of what’s fair and...

How can we help our kids settle in during and after divorce?

Divorce can leave kids feeling trapped between two homes that do not truly feel like home. This can cause stress, anxiety and a whole host of other issues. However, parents can work together to make sure that both homes feel like home. The importance of home...

Red flags of a pending gray divorce

Even those in a long-term marriage can find their relationship to be difficult and unhappy sometimes. Sometimes, a long-term marriage deteriorates so significantly that it eventually leads to divorce. The concept of couples in their 50s, 60s and beyond divorcing has...

Types of financial experts that may be needed in a divorce

People build their lives and their finances together during a marriage. The couple is able to share in the finances the couple earns and acquires. Couples often make financial decisions based on what is best for the two of them and not just what may be best for just...

Factors that affect distribution of marital property in Florida

Dividing marital assets can be one of the most difficult issues in a Florida divorce. State law requires the court to begin with the premise that “the distribution should be equal, unless there is a justification for an unequal distribution based on all relevant...

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