Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

Learn how alimony laws affect your case

On Behalf of | Feb 27, 2015 | Alimony

Last week, we discussed the bill that is moving through legislation that seeks to change the alimony laws in Florida. That possibility is one that likely has some of our readers wondering about anyone is supposed to keep up with all these changes. We know that it is hard for our readers to know all about alimony and everything else dealing with divorce. We can help you with all aspects of your divorce.

As it stands now, you have to be legally married if you plan to seek alimony in Florida. You can’t seek alimony if you are in a common law marriage. If you are legally married and seeking a divorce, you might be awarded alimony if you meet some specific conditions, including how long you were married, the marital standard of living and the financial resources of you and your ex. Several other factors come into play as well.

If it is determined that you qualify for alimony, the judge will decide on which type of alimony you receive. This is where the new law will likely affect alimony awards. The new law seeks to do away with permanent alimony. With that off the table, the judge will have to decide on how long the alimony will last.

We can help you learn where you stand when it comes to alimony payments. We want you to understand how the laws pertain to your case. Learning all you can before you head to court can help you to get a good idea of what to expect.
