Do you qualify for rehabilitative alimony in Florida?

On Behalf of | Apr 16, 2024 | Divorce |

Divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged process. Financial considerations often add another layer of stress, especially when one spouse has significantly stepped back from their career during their marriage.

Fortunately, Florida law recognizes rehabilitative alimony as a potential solution, offering temporary financial assistance to help a dependent spouse regain financial independence. If you’re contemplating divorce as a financially dependent spouse, it can help to familiarize yourself with the key instances wherein you might qualify for rehabilitative alimony.

Educational or professional development needs

Marriage often leads to a division of labor within the household. One spouse might prioritize childcare or homemaking duties, putting their career advancement on hold. Rehabilitative alimony can be awarded to this spouse to cover the costs associated with educational or professional development programs. This could include tuition for a college degree, a vocational training program or certification courses needed to re-enter a specific field.

The court will consider factors like the length of the educational program, the spouse’s earning potential post-graduation and the paying spouse’s financial ability. A well-defined plan outlining the chosen program, its costs and the expected timeframe for completion can strengthen your case.

Lack of recent work experience

Stepping away from the workforce for an extended period, even to raise children, can create a gap in one spouse’s resume. Rehabilitative alimony can be awarded to address this gap, providing temporary financial support while the spouse seeks employment or refreshes their job skills.

The court will evaluate the length of the work absence, the spouse’s pre-marital employment history and their current skills and qualifications. Demonstrating a clear effort to find work, such as updated resumes, job applications or completed skills training courses, can be crucial in securing a favorable outcome.

Rehabilitative alimony is a valuable tool in many divorces, offering temporary financial assistance to a spouse seeking to re-enter the workforce and achieve financial independence. If you find yourself in a situation where your career has been impacted by marriage, consider seeking legal guidance to see if you might qualify for this type of spousal support.

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