Premier Family Law Representation In Southern Florida

Mark Abzug

communication is key when planning a vacation

On Behalf of | May 5, 2016 | Child Custody

There are many things that go into planning a vacation. For parents who have children with an ex, one of the things that must occur is getting the vacation schedule ironed out in accordance with the child custody agreement. How you go about handling this process is often governed by your child custody agreement.

That agreement is the first thing you should check when you are planning your vacation. If there are any terms related to vacations, such as when they may be taken, where you are allowed to take your child or how you are required to notify your ex, make sure you fully understand those and abide by them.

There are some custody agreements that allow vacation time to trump other parts of the custody schedule, including holidays. This would mean that if one parent scheduled a vacation that overlapped with a holiday, the vacation would move forward and the parent who was supposed to have the child on the holiday wouldn’t have him or her that day. This, however, can lead to problems if the other parent takes issue with having to miss a holiday.

When it comes down to it, communication is the key when you are dealing with vacation planning and child custody. You and your ex should be willing to discuss vacation plans so that your child can have a good time.

If for some reason you can’t come up with a suitable agreement, you might need to seek assistance from the court to clarify the vacation scheduling process and guidelines to make future vacation planning easier. Your Florida family law attorney can help you with that.

Source: Our Family Wizard, “Vacations and Parenting Plans,” accessed May 06, 2016
