Every parent has a parenting style that they are comfortable with. When you are married, finding yours means having to take your wishes and your ex’s wishes into account. This is understandable but when you are going through a divorce, you no longer have to worry about your ex’s style.
There are several ways that your parenting style might change when you are a single parent. Thinking carefully about your home life might help you to come to a decision about the parenting strategy you use.
What aspects of parenting do you want to keep?
You should make a note of what strategies you want to keep for your new life as a single parent. If there are things that work well for you and your children, those are the ones that you need to keep. If you know that you won’t follow through with specific punishments, rethink those. The goal is that you will be confident in your parenting since you will only have yourself to count on for this.
How will you handle problems?
There are bound to be problems at some point. You have to determine when your child’s other parent is going to be brought into the situation. Deciding this now can help you feel more secure when something does come up because you will already have a plan set.
Are you and your ex working together?
Sometimes, parents decide to keep rules between homes consistent to help the children cope with the back and forth. If this is the case, you and your ex need to determine how you are going to work as a team. This might be challenging but it can help your children thrive.
Source: Our Family Wizard, “Has Divorce Changed Your Parenting Style?,” accessed May 10, 2018