If your kids want to go to a new school, think carefully about the benefits

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2021 | Child Custody |

You and your ex-spouse support your children no matter what. But when you found out that they wanted to transfer to a different school, you found yourself wavering. Despite the fact that the school is good, moving them there would mean that they’d need to go live with your ex-spouse. You’d have time to see them on weekends, and that’s only if they weren’t busy with extracurricular activities.

The modification of custody could be a negative for you. What should you do, and is it worth creating a conflict over the potential loss of custody?

Consider your children’s best interests when you make your decision

Although it may mean that your children won’t see you as often, if you find that the new school offers better educational options and benefits for your child, you might want to consider modifying your custody arrangements during the school year. It’s important to do what is best for your children. If going to another school will mean a shot at a better college or an education that you couldn’t get for them at your local school, then the transfer may be something to consider.

You may want to talk to your children about their preferences as well. This is one instance in which one child may want to go when another doesn’t, and you may want to split custody.

If you are having trouble with this potential change, it doesn’t necessarily have to become a conflict. You and your ex should sit down and see if there is a way to help you maintain your custody rights and visitation while still allowing for your children’s education to grow. An experienced advocate may also be able to offer you some solutions that you haven’t yet considered.

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